Thursday, February 24, 2011

New 'do and new love!

One Sunday night on Skype my sister and I decided we needed a change....we wanted BANGS! I mean full bangs. I have had the swoop thing since beauty school! That is crazy forever ago and I definitely needed a change. That night I showed Dustin a picture of what I was wanting and he was all for it. I told him maybe that weekend I would do it. He was like, "Why, not right now?" So I tromped to the bathroom and wacked them off. Immediately I regretted it. The first week I had them, I pretty much pulled them back every day. I would shock myself in the mirror. For the first time EVER I understood how people feel when I cut their hair off or we do something totally different. Like bangs :)
Now 5 weeks later, I absolutely LOVE them! They are finally laying good and they are a little bit longer then when I first cut them. (ha ha I had some drama. I would cut them and they would be too blunt, so I would take my thinning shears to them and then they would get too wispy so I would have to cut them again. BROTHER.) My sister also cut her some bangs and they are ADORABLE on her! I wish I had a picture of her or of us together sporting them :(

Oh! So tonight I found Photo Booth on my Mac and it is so COOL! I can't wait for Dustin to come home from work so we can play around and take pictures! I have always been in love with real photo booths (and even while we were in London I made the hubby get in one with me. It sucked though because it ended up being only one picture and it was printed on REGULAR computer paper! I was a little upset. Dustin tried to carry it around that day and not smash it but it didn't really work.)
So I took some pics of my new do!

Isn't this style cool?!? This just might be my new favorite thing :)

Monday, February 21, 2011


I have a question for you all....How do you respond to comments/questions that you get on your blog posts? I am having a hard time trying to figure out if it is best to comment back on my blog or through facebook or e-mail. How do you do it or how would you like me to do it???
I want you to know that I appreciate all your comments and that I DO read them. I just didn't know the best way to respond. So I am sorry if you have felt ignored!

Hope you all had a great weekend and Happy President's Day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

homework assistance and other misc. things...

The other night I was working on homework and I got a little "helper." Sayla thought she needed to come and sit with me and put her paws on my work. Every time I kicked her off, she would come back. It was too cute to not get a picture of.

Then she decided to climb from my lap to the table and SIT on my homework...what a stinker!
P.S. This semester I am taking College Algebra and am ROCKING it! My first three test scores have been 97, 104, and 101! SAWEET! I totally thought I would suck at this and totally fail. (Can you tell I am a little excited???)

That same night when Dustin got home from work we played cards and this is what happens when Dustin lets Bosa get ahold of one....

But isn't that face cute?!?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines day!

Happy Valentines Day! Here is the recap of our valentines. We celebrated mostly on Saturday since Dustin works nights and would be working on Monday.

I made white-chocolate dipped oreos. YUMMY!

My parents and siblings are so sweet and sent us valentines in the mail. They also sent those conversation hearts that are VERY cute, but taste VERY disgusting. I decided to make a little frame with them. So while Dustin played video games on Saturday afternoon, I crafted! YAY! I haven't done it for forever and had almost forgotten how fun it is.

I found this shadowbox frame at the BX and painted it different shades of pink

Then hot-glued the hearts onto cardstock

Added a ribbon and a pearl straight pin and TA-DA! I absolutely LOVE it!

Valentines gifts, YAY! Dustin was so sweet and got me chocolates and new perfume. I gave him a new tie, a car magazine and an i-Tunes gift card.

For dinner we picked up Donnor Kebabs from a great little place in Porcia that we LOVE!

We had a fabulous day and hope you all did as well!
We LOVE you family and friends!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

London 2011

In November I decided I wanted to go to London, and I wanted to go for New Years. But when I started looking at flights and hotels I realized it could get a little pricey. I then looked at flights for the middle of January and it was only 30 Euro per person! We decided to go then and since we got flights for so cheap, spent a little more on a hotel to be able to stay in downtown. We seriously had the BEST time! I loved London and want to go back. (because of this we put Lakenheath as #1 on our dreamsheet :) Let's all hope for England!)
We arrived on Tuesday the 11th around 6:00pm and took the train from the airport into London. We checked into our hotel and then started the hunt for dinner. We ended up at a Pizza Hut, and since we haven't had REAL american food in awhile, (Dustin longer than me) it was DELISH!
Wednesday morning we stopped to take pictures in Trafalgar Square and then walked to Buckingham Palace.

Cool old double-decker bus

Trafalgar Square

Buckingham Palace!

This is where we stood to watch the changing of the guard. The show lasted for almost an hour! AND the band played showtunes and rock--cool but weird!

The band

After the changing of the guard we walked through St. James park and headed towards Parliament Square and Westminster Abbey. This is a picture of the church.

We tried to go to the London Eye but it was closed for maintenance. For lunch we ate at Chipolte and afterwards we wondered through some used book stores and I picked up a book for only 1 pound!

We ended the night at the show "We Will Rock You" and it was awesome! The singers and the band did an amazing job.
Thursday morning we actually headed back to Westminster Abbey to go inside. Sorry, no pics of the inside, it wasn't allowed :( We also stopped to take pictures of Big Ben and some of the phone booths.

After we saw the church, we headed to lunch then to the National Museum of History.
For Lunch we ate at a pub and had meat pies and they were oh-so-good!

This is the grand entrance into the museum and it is gorgeous! After the museum we stopped by Harrods, which is a HUGE and EXPENSIVE department store and Hamleys, a five story toy store. We finished the night by going out to dinner at T. G. I. Fridays, which was crazy expensive. We spent 65 USD on one appetizer, two meals, one coke, one water and dessert! I think it was worth it though :)

Friday morning we started out taking a tour of the Tower Bridge, which was totally cool.

After the tour we went over to Covent Garden to watch some of the street performers and check out the shopping. We had lunch at this place called Maxwell's and Dustin had two orders of wings and I had the BEST nachos I have EVER eaten!

We spent our last night at "WICKED" and it was amazing! I LOVE that show. Right after it ended I wanted to see it again. Dustin even enjoyed it :)

Oh here is a random picture of the underground. Way easy to use!
We had so much fun, and can't wait to go back. If you are going to come to Europe, London should be on your list! Right behind coming to see us in Italy of course :)